
Day & Program

Side Sessions

Day 1 – February 6

Session 1

10:00 - 11:00

Opening Remarks:

  1. Ranil Wickremesinghe, President of Sri Lanka
  2. Kiren Rijiju, Minister of Earth Sciences , Chair of the Ministers Conference of RIMES
  3. Dina Umali-Deininger, Director SAR, WB
  4. Andrew Patrick (TBC), High Commissioner, UK
  5. Carmen Moreno (TBC), Ambassador, EU
  6. Cecile Fruman, Director for Regional Integration in South Asia, WB
  7. Celeste Saulo, Secretary-General, WMO

Session 2

11:45 – 12:45

Creating Value – Role of Hydromet services Presenters include:

  1. Melanie Kappes, Disaster Risk Management Specialist, WB - Creation of value along the hydromet value chain.
  2. Nusrat Noman, Joint Secretary, Planning Commission Bangladesh - The role of hydromet services in public investment planning.
  3. Carlo Buontempo (virtual), Director of the Copernicus Climate Change Service, ECMWF - The role of climate services for climate resilience.
  4. Abhas Jha, Practice Manager, WB - The value of national hydromet services and the role of regional collaboration.

Session 3

14:00 - 15:30

Chair: David Grimes, SAHF TAG

Forging a shared vision for building a regional observation network for more efficient weather, water and climate services.

  1. K. J. Ramesh, SAHF Advisor, RIMES
  2. Roar Skålin (virtual), Chair of the EUMETNET Assembly and Director General Met Norway.
  3. Estelle Grüter (virtual), Chair of Standing Committee on Earth Observing Systems and Monitoring Networks, WMO.
  4. Anju Gaur, Sr. Water Resource Management Specialist, WB.
  5. Ashish Raval, President & CEO of Synoptic Data PBC and HMEI Vice-Chair.

Technical Side Session

15:45 - 17:15

Chair: Ben Churchill, Director, Regional Office for Asia and the South-West Pacific, WMO.

  • Technical side-session: Implement and leverage SOFF from a regional perspective

Day 2 – February 7

Session 4

09:30 – 11:00

Chair: Mr. Karma Dupchu, Co-chair SAHF & Director NCHM Bhutan

& Ali Shareef, Deputy Director, MMS Maldives

Fostering regional collaboration to strengthen the service delivery and impact on public welfare:

  1. Nishadi Eriyagama, Deputy Country Mangers, Sri Lanka, International Water Management Institute (IWMI)
  2. Faisal Mueen Qamar, Intervention Manager for Resilient River Basin, International Center for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD)
  3. Ajay Kumar, Scientist, India National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS)
  4. Temily Baker, Programme Management Officer, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN ESCAP)
  5. Tshering Wangchen, Principal Agriculture Officer, Ministry of Agriculture, Bhutan

Session 5

11:30 – 13:00

Chairs: Abhas Jha, WB and David Rogers, WB


Empowering communities to make informed decisions:

  1. Ruby Rose Policarpio, Institutional Development Specialist, RIMES
  2. Terrence Fernando, Professor, University of Salford
  3. Helen Caughey, Deputy Chief Meteorologist, Met Office, UK
  4. Madhab Uprety, Sr. Technical Advisor, Red Cross Red Crescent
  5. Ginige Prasanna Janaka Kumara, District Secretary, Kalutara District, Sri Lanka

Session 6

14:00 – 15:30

Chairs: K.J. Ramesh, SAHF Advisor, RIMES & Alice Soares, WB

Towards Regional Prediction and Analytics:

  1. S. M. Quamrul Hassan, Meteorologist, Bangladesh Meteorological Department and Chair of the SAHF Numerical Weather Prediction Working Group
  2. V S Prasad, Head, National Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts (NCMRWF)
  3. Alan Thorpe, (virtual), SAHF TAG
  4. Kirstine Dale, (virtual) Chief AI Officer, UK Met Office
  5. Hans Olav Hygen, Head of Climate Services, Met Norway

Technical Side Session

16:00 - 17:00

Chair: Ashish Raval, vice-chair of HMEI and CEO of Synoptic Data PBC

The role of the private sector to foster innovation and empower hydromet services for providing sustainable systems, actionable insights and early warnings to save lives and protect property.

Technical Side Session

17:00 – 18:00

Chair: Ben Churchill, Director, Regional Office for Asia and the South-West Pacific, WMO

Early Warnings for All – A Partnership Approach

Closed Side Event

18:00 – 19:00

Facilitator: Abhas Jha, Practice Manager, WB

Reception - Partners meeting on SAHF: Development Partners, RIMES & SAHF EC members

Day 3 – February 8

Session 7

9:00 – 9:20

Presenter: Tshencho Dorji, RIMES

Setting the scene

Session 8

9:20 – 10:30

Facilitator: David Grimes, SAHF TAG

Aligning around key outcomes and priorities

Session 9

10:45 – 13:00

Facilitator: David Grimes, SAHF TAG and K.J. Ramesh, SAHF Advisor, RIMES

Framing the elements of a SAHF action plan

Session 10

14:00 – 15:00

Chair: Melanie Kappes, DRM Specialist, WB & Jerry Lengoasa, SAHF TAG

Panel Discussion of the SAHF Executive Council and RIMES: Reflections on the conference deliberations and the future direction of SAHF

Session 11

15:15 - 16:00


Athula Karunanayake, Director General, DoM GoSL

Closing session:

  1. Presentation of the final draft Declaration
  2. Karma Dupchu, Director of the National Centre of Hydrology and Meteorology (NCHM), Bhutan and SAHF Co-chair
  3. Chiyo Kanda, Country Manager for Sri Lanka, WB
  4. Lisa Whanstall, Deputy High Commissioner, UK
  5. Dinendra Ruwan Wijewardene, Sr. Advisor to the President on Climate Change, GoSL
  6. Vote of Thanks